The management of the Church of England, (Archie Bishes, Bishes etc.) has clearly revealed its true nature. They are political...
Air traffic requirements for Britain are today's PoliNews*1 subject and, for once, Boris is right. Follow the link to the...
Yippeee! Another general election ;-) the third since the five year fixed term parliament act came into err "force" in...
Update January 2025: I originally posted this in 2011 which was about ministerial corruption in government. This 'news' was the...
... for our politicians to accept the reality of what the British people have told them. This result is quite...
In February 2015, Home Secretary Theresa May said ' ...authorities need to look at the ideology which drives young people...
My letter sent to our local MP sent today Dear Nigel Huddleston MP I have written to you before about...
Ed Miliband as leader of the Labour Party? Ed Miliband has never found his way into our hearts since becoming...
There is no simple solution because we have no charismatic, statesman-like politicians speaking common sense to the people; and we...
Our dumbed down BBC news A BBC reporter was interviewing one persistent, but unsuccessful, immigrant on the recent death of...
For the last 40 years or so, China's financial, business, political and cultural effect on our world has been a...
The world news is reporting on little more than madness and tragedy. But the the way the news on the...
"No one is above the law"; if only that were true... I quote Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States...
This post first appeared in 2021 and several more earlier should have alerted western governments to the danger that the...
[caption id="attachment_3145" align="alignright" width="300"] The 11th commandment:- Thou shall not see. Thanks to Gary Barker for his apt caricature of...
Apologies if you have seen this but I hope you all watch their YouTube Fact Check where they expose thousands...
By 'the West' I mean the UK, the USA, the EU, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and quite a few other...
The US and UK support for Israel is way past its sell by date. Biden's response of "unwavering support for...
The words anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic suffer from obfuscation (lies), misdirection and at its very heart, an absence of a rational...
Muslim nutter calmly murders soldier Those chilling words spoken to camera by the calm murderer of a British soldier in...
All "bail outs" of failed economies in the Eurozone are prohibited by EU law, but … Did you know that...
.. and what we should do about it in 2021. My sources are all blue, bold, italics and underlined. Clicking...
The media is all excited and discussing endlessly how Twitter is 'challenging the supremacy of conventional law'; so, once again...
"The Lords Reform Bill is dead." says Cameraman Senior. "Oh no it isn't!" says Cleggy Minor ... The rowdy delinquents...
Here we go again, what is it with our politicians How can they be so consistently stupid? Privatisation may be...
May I try to put the childish, irrelevant "furious backlash", as reported today by the BrBC (British Remoaning Broadcasting Corporation),...
I find David Starkey an interesting man in many ways and admire his perspective on today's events. I love hearing...
This is the first of a new series of posts pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of politicians that most people don't have time...
So now we know why she said and did nothing for the last two years. Saying nothing meant she avoided...
Here is Pat Condell, a man even grumpier than me - eight minutes of well argued grumpiness explaining why he,...
I am saddened that we have to discuss Elon Musk who has rapidly become a severe danger to us all,...
Peter Brookes said it beautifully in his cartoon printed six weeks before Saudi Arabia executed 45 'enemies of state'. I...
Those words, from Ian Duncan Smith this morning, echo what I have been saying here on this blog for fourteen...
There was a discussion on the BBC Radio 4 'Today' program this morning which is probably the most important issue...
Even now, when it is obvious to everyone but politicians, journalists and most economists, that "bailouts" don't work - cannot work...
Theresa May is robotic in her endless "strong & stable" meanderings containing little detail and has no interesting vision for Britain. She...
Perhaps you may be wondering why the TV, radio and papers are so full of endless discussions about the need...
This was part of an Oxford Union debate 24th October 2013, where he discusses, among many other issues, the Common...
Your challenge, dear reader, is to guess which of these are fake news ;-) There will be prizes (but, see...
... party politics! Party politics has stifled any adult discussion of the threat we face from IS (Islamic State). No,...
Politics used to mean "Of the people for the people". Politics now means "Of the MPs and for the MPs"....
"Evil & corruption was everywhere" says the Pope's former butler, Paolo Gabriele This naïve yet probably honest man actually thought...
The GCSE exam debacle continues. Many pupils who had been expecting a C grade were given a D as a...
[caption id="attachment_3488" align="alignright" width="400"] The Home Secretary, Theresa May, has insisted that plans to extend "Right to Buy" to tenants...
In the UK we have private schools treated as charities for tax purposes for no good reason that most of...
Nigel's response to my letter is just underneath my response to his response. Dear Mr Huddleston Thank you for responding....
Can it really be that politicians are listening to the people? It may just be so here in the UK...
From Irish RTE TV channel program called The Meaning of Life. Q "What would you say to god if he...
China has been lambasting the west for at least thirty years We have been scared to death of upsetting them...
It is not about you MPs - it is about the 17.4 million of us! The sight of those silly...
Everyone I meet who is even minimally interested in the EU, knows that Cameraman's EU negotiations have been pointless from...
Today the government is accepting applications for licenses to explore potential fracking sites. The contracts that will be eventually signed...
Water privatisation? Thatcher's legacy? Gimme strength! All of us should understand why we are in such a mess with our...
A few facts about bank interest rates 'Like most people of my generation who have lived through the period of...
Margaret Thatcher had a secret meeting with Rupert Murdoch at Chequers weeks before his 1981 purchase of the Times newspapers,...
Daniel Hannan destroys Gordon Brown and he says it beautifully in the EU parliament. Just watch Brown squirm. ...not widely...
Remember this from our mate Dave? (Tory Conference - October 2009 - full text here) "It means showing that we're all...
Ever since I started this blog, some 8 years ago, I have written many posts urging us to leave the...
Baldrick: "What I want to know Sir, is, before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of...
Prince Andrew's latest example of corruption has encouraged me to release another Chapter of my book 'British Politics is broken,...
Words and their changed meaning The process of that change fascinates me. First we need a definition from the Oxford...
I summarise some recent news and offer a long term solution as human misery is being played out at Europe's...
Tory government's privatisation plans to free ministers from blame for NHS failures The NHS "reforms" proposed by the new Tory...
Osborne's gone NATS, selling our air to Germany Thatcher sold our water supply in 1989 which means that there can...
Ariel Sharon's recent death marked the end of what was the last slim best chance for a solution to the...
I am greatly amused by the frantic anti Jeremy Corbyn campaign being waged by the other three Labour party leadership...
As Nigel Farage has said today "We sold out fisheries when we joined the EEC and we’re selling them out...
At London Conference of 1953, the Greek Minister of Finance signed a treaty agreeing to cancel 50% of Germany’s debt!...
Name that gnome -> I am so very fed up with the utter nonsense that our political leaders are spouting...
... so says the disgraced Jeremy Clarkson in yesterday's Sun newspaper (or so I am reliably informed by the Today...
The Supreme Court is today ruling on something that really does not matter very much to ‘we the people’. Lawyers,...
There are no funny cartoons in this post, there are no jokes either. Just when I thought it couldn't get...
I have no money but take my body if you must says David Cameraman ... In Berlin today Merkel will...
BBC Sunday Program glossing over Popes as protectors of paedophile priests I listened with sad incredulity this morning to the...
Or, if you do then you are wilfully misleading the people you lead and represent. Obama has just said in...
What we the people have said is what none of those in power want to hear. Our "None of the...
Following on from Tony Blair's lessons in how to be a successful polishitun, our Dave, the heir to Blair, has...
Almost daily now, on the BBC, we hear religious leaders droning on about the importance of faith in our lives...
'Marriage' is culturally defined as being between a man a woman This is prompted by Arch Bishop Sentamu's statement (27th...
This is yet more madness delivered by visionless, asset stripping, incompetents (AKA the Tory party) ...first OUR water, then OUR...
Supreme Court of Wisconsin (1890) “There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and...
Humanists UK teamed up with their Vice President Professor Alice Roberts to explore the humanist approach to life in their...
On 16 August 1819 Mary Fildes and members of the Female Reform Society marched to St.Peter’s Fields in the centre...
I am quoting Daniel Hannan an MEP writing in the Telegraph (on-line) a few days ago. Daniel is a Conservative...
Available in paperback, hardback, Audible and Kindle versions on Amazon. This is for those of you who have not bought...
I speak as a Parish Councillor, the lowest cog in the administrative wheel that is local government in England. We...
EU now says it wants a federal Europe, controlled by the EU Last December I said there was no more...
Special relationship? Pah There is no special relationship In meBook, sadly as yet unpublished, I explain in some detail that...
The casual hypocrisy of George Osborne:- 09/01/2009 - "QE is the last resort of desperate governments when all other policies...
Liz Truss announces her resigantion - 46 days! Liz Truss's main features : [caption id="attachment_2937" align="alignright" width="201"] Liz Truss announces...
One of my dear readers once called me prescient when I was writing years ago about the rise of Isis...
Last night's Questiontime on BBC1 gave us that question - I have to say thanks to the gentleman who asked...
The AAA rating, by Mr Micawber's definition (and that of reality and your grandmother) is earned when your income just exceeds your...
It must be true - I read it in the Daily Mail ... ;-) This week Tony Blair has been...
Nobody has 'agreed with Nick' for three years. Now, even Vince 'the' Cable has joined that club of pollishituns who...
Sub-title: Sell your Chinese 'Emerging Market' stocks soon - you heard it here first. 8-O It hasn't rained much this...
Oh I know the title of this piece is a bit Daily Mail! But, while the press & TV concentrate on...
A few words of light relief and escape from the nauseating, banal utterances from both sides of the public EU...
Yes, I agree with you dear reader, the title of this piece is as unattractive and offensive as is this disgraceful...
I thank Gary Barker for permission to use this cartoon[/caption] The BBC's ridiculous pro-Remain stance is irritating enough, but the...